REFINE Translational Sub-study

The REFINE translational sub-study is being run in collaboration with Imperial College London and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the USA. It aims to understand the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic aspects of extended versus standard interval checkpoint inhibitor schedules.

Serial blood samples will be collected from approximately 80 patients (40 from the standard of care arm and 40 from the extended interval arm) during their first 9 months on study.

Patients can also consent to providing a stored tumour sample (FFPE block) which we may request later.

Consent for this part of the study is optional for participants

Consenting patients will have 2 additional whole blood samples in the form of serial plasma samples taken prior to each dose of checkpoint inhibitor being administered.


Who can take part?

The REFINE translational sub-study is aimed at patients who are also participating in the REFINE study and who would like to provide additional blood samples to help us better understand the relationship between drug exposure and cancer response with checkpoint inhibitors.


What samples are being collected in the REFINE Translational Sub-study?

All patients that are participating in the REFINE trial will already be providing a blood sample throughout their treatment. In the REFINE Translational sub-study we will be collecting two additional blood samples prior to each dose of checkpoint inhibitor being given. 



Photography provided by Finn Hopson:

@finnhop on Twitter and Instagram